The ultimate reading list: 50 great books that every speaker should read


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The Ultimate Reading List: 50 Great Books that Every Speaker Should Read

Most speakers need constant inspiration, especially when they’ve hit a wall in creating content or getting an audience to engage with them on a higher level. With this in mind, here’s a helpful list of over 50 books that speakers can read to become a better speaker.

We’ve compiled this list of book recommendations by assessing the areas that speakers typically need inspiration or guidance. Many of these books will cross categories, and have great ideas that span from creating influential openings, to designing impactful slides.

Want to keep things simple? We’ve loosely organized the books into categories, so that you can jump directly to the area where you are looking for a bit of help.

Creating great content

Creating great content

Amazon Links:

Creating strong visuals

Creating strong visuals

Amazon Links:

Excelling in Delivery

Excelling in Delivery


Amazon Links:

Audience Development

Amazon Links:

The art of persuasion

The art of persuasion

Amazon Links:

Are there any books that you found particularly useful that we’ve missed? We would love to hear your suggestions and why you found the book inspirational. Comment below, or contact us, we read every email.

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